Robbie Hatley's Perl Solutions to The Weekly Challenge #198
For those not familiar with "The Weekly Challenge", it is a weekly programming puzzle, usually with two parts, cycling every Sunday. You can find it here:
This week (2023-01-01 through 2023-01-07) is weekly challenge #198.
For a change, part 1 was the more thought-provoking of the two puzzles this week: "Given a list of integers, write a script to find the total pairs of consecutive elements of the sorted list which have max gap. If the list contains less then 2 elements then return 0."
Clearly the first step is to make a sorted version of the list; but how to proceed from there? I considered using a hash of gaps then using some funky key sorting; but then it occurred to me that no such thing was necessary, and that I only needed two scalar variables: one to record "max gap seen so far" and one to record "count of pairs with that gap". This works because each time a new "max gap" is found the old count becomes irrelevant and the count variable can be reset to 1. Like so:
for (@arrays){
my @array = @{$_};
my @sorted = sort {$a<=>$b} @array;
my $gap = 0; # Gap.
my $max = 0; # Max gap.
my $cnt = 0; # Count of pairs with max gap.
for ( my $i = 0 ; $i < $#sorted ; ++$i ) {
$gap = $sorted[$i+1]-$sorted[$i];
if ( $gap < $max ) {;} # Do nothing.
elsif ( $gap == $max ) {++$cnt;} # Increment count.
elsif ( $gap > $max ) {$max=$gap;$cnt=1;} # New max, new count.
else {die "Cthulhu wgah'nagl fhtagn.\n";}} # This can't happen.
say '';
say "array = @array";
say "max gap = $gap";
say "count = $cnt";}
(Note: That "else" clause can never execute. But if it does, it will print something suitably ominous.)
(Note: I've recently gone over to using Python-style Perl formatting: no braces on left side; braces appear at right ends of lines only. I think this gives Perl code a fresh, easier-to-read look. The only downsides I've found are occasional brace mismatch errors, and this method doesn't play well with right-line-end comments. But other than that, it works fine.)
Part 2 of this week's challenge is actually simpler for a change: "Given an integer $n, write a script to print the count of primes less than $n."
While there are mathematical ways of estimating that count without having to actually generate or look-up any primes, such methods are not entirely accurate. That leaves the two brute-force options: generate primes, or import a lookup table. I elected to simply generate primes. To speed things up, I use only odd candidates (because all positive even integers except for 2 are composite) and only odd divisors (because if an integer is divisibe by a composite, it's also divisible by that composite's prime factors, all of which are odd except for 2, which we already know can't be a factor of an odd number). Like so:
for (@array){
say ''; # Print blank line,
my $n = $_; # Number.
say "number = $n"; # Announce number.
my $c = 0; # Count.
if ( $n >= 3 ){ # If number is 3-or-more,
$c = 1; # then increment counter,
say "2 is prime"} # because 2 is a prime number < $n.
for ( my $x = 3 ; $x < $n ; $x+=2 ){ # Other than 2, consider only odds.
my $l = int $x**0.5; # Limit for divisor.
my $f = 0; # Divisibility flag.
for ( my $d = 3 ; $d <= $l ; $d+=2 ){ # For each odd divisor, 3 to limit,
if ( 0 == $x%$d){ # if number is divisible by divisor,
$f = 1; # number is not prime, so there is
next;}} # no need to try any more divisors.
if ( !$f ){ # If number has no divisors,
++$c; # increment prime count
say "$x is prime"}} # and print prime.
say "There are $c primes less than $n";} # Announce count.
(Using same Pythonesque no-braces-on-left formatting.)
That's it for 198; looking forward to 199 this coming Sunday.
-- Cheers, Robbie Hatley
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