Robbie Hatley's Solutions To The Weekly Challenge #222
For those not familiar with "The Weekly Challenge", it is a weekly programming puzzle, usually with two parts, cycling every Sunday. You can find it here:
This week (2023-06-18 through 2023-06-24) is weekly challenge #222.
Task 1 is as follows:
"You are given a list of positive integers, @ints. Write a script to find the total matching members after sorting the list increasing order."
The word "matching" is a tad vague in that context, but from the first example we can see that it means "the two arrays have the same element at the same index":
Example 1: Original list: (1, 1, 4, 2, 1, 2) Sorted list : (1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4) Comparing the two lists, we found 3 matching members: Index 0, Value 1 Index 1, Value 1 Index 3, Value 2
My solution is to compare the sorted and unsorted versions of each array using a 3-part loop and counting matching elements, like so:
Robbie Hatley's Solution to The Weekly Challenge 222-1
Task 2 is as follows:
"You are given an array of positive integers, @ints. Write a script to find the last member if found, otherwise return 0. Each turn pick 2 biggest members (x, y), then decide based on the following conditions and continue this until you are left with 1 member or none:
a) if x == y then remove both members
b) if x != y then remove both members and add new member (y-x)"
This is very straightforward, just a matter of repeatedly sorting, popping, and unshifting until either zero or one elements are left:
Robbie Hatley's Solution to The Weekly Challenge 222-2
That's it for 222; see you on 223!
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