Robbie Hatley's Solutions, in Perl, for The Weekly Challenge #300 (Beautiful Permutations and Nested Arrays)

For those not familiar with "The Weekly Challenge", it is a weekly programming puzzle with two parts, cycling every Sunday. You can find it here:

The Weekly Challenge

The Weekly Challenge for the week of 2024-12-15 through 2024-12-21 is #300.

The tasks for challenge #300 are as follows:

Task 300-1: Beautiful Arrangements
Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
Description re-written by Robbie Hatley for clarity:
Given a positive integer n, write a script to return the number
of "beautiful arrangements" within the set of permutations of the
sequence (1..n). A 1-indexed permutation of (1..n) is considered
"a beautiful arrangement" if for every i (1 <= i <= n) either of
the following is true:
1) perm[i] is divisible by i
2) i is divisible by perm[i]

Example #1:
Input: $n = 2
Output: 2
1st arrangement: [1, 2]
perm[1] is divisible by i = 1
perm[2] is divisible by i = 2
2nd arrangement: [2, 1]
perm[1] is divisible by i = 1
i=2 is divisible by perm[2] = 1

Example #2:
Input: $n = 1
Output: 1

Example #3:
Input: $n = 10
Output: 700

Other than the hassle of having to generate all of the permutations of (1..n), then counting how many of them are "beautiful arrangements", this is conceptually straightforward, if a bit complex (O(n!)). One snag is the requirement for "1-indexed", but I'll handle that by just unshifting the string "dummy" to the left end of every permutation. And to generate the permutations, I'll use the non-OOP "permute" function from CPAN module "Math::Combinatorics".

Robbie Hatley's Perl Solution to The Weekly Challenge 300-1

Task 300-2: Nested Arrays
Submitted by: Mohammad Sajid Anwar
Description re-written by Robbie Hatley for clarity:
You are given an array @ints of integers of length n containing a
permutation of the integers in the range [0,n-1]. Write a script
to build the n sets "set[i]" (0 <= i <= n-1) such that
set[i] = {ints[i], ints[ints[i]], ints[ints[ints[i]]], etc}.
For each set[i], stop adding elements right before a duplicate
element occurs. Return the length of the longest set[i].

Example #1:
Input: (5, 4, 0, 3, 1, 6, 2)
Output: 4
One of the longest sets is set[0], which has length 4:
set[0] = {ints[0], ints[5], ints[6], ints[2]} = {5, 6, 2, 0}

Example #2:
Input: (0, 1, 2)
Output: 1

This is conceptually straightforward: Just build the n sets set[i] and see what the longest length is. Should be no more complex than O(n^2) as we're building n sets with a max length of n each.

Robbie Hatley's Perl Solution to The Weekly Challenge 300-2

That's it for challenge 300; see you on challenge 301!


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